Online gaming in Argentina to go live

Online gaming in Argentina to go live

The Buenos Aires province has approved regulations to get online gaming in Argentina live soon in one of the most important regions of the country.

Argentina.- The evolution of online gaming in Argentina has taken a major step in Buenos Aires province. After lawmakers gave their nod to the segment late in 2018, the government approved its regulations and is close to launch it.

The approval came through its inclusion within Buenos Aires province’s Tax Law for the 2019 budget. Despite being heavily criticised, it continues to move forward and will include several games.

The approved scheme involves slot and casino games, lotteries, bets on virtual games, horse racing and sports events. Up to seven licences will be issued, but “no more than one per bidder.” Companies would have to register and will be (or not) approved by a commission, which will assess their offers. There are 20 minimum requirements to be fulfilled, including experience, financial and technical soundness, data safety, and others.

“What we want is to tax online gaming in Argentina,” the government said. They hope to launch a regulated segment in order to stop it from operating in a legal void.

The sports betting battle

Sports betting may be part of the online gaming segment on both Buenos Aires City and the province. Furthermore, the government has already allowed the National Sports Agency to “arrange contests” nationwide. However, Superliga (the top tier football league) and Argentine Football Association (AFA – ruling body for football as a whole) officials are seeking to get compensated and send money to clubs.

“Both Buenos Aires City and the province of Buenos Aires made a decision to exclude our brands from the sharing agreement and we can’t stay out. Nobody asked our opinion or invited us and it seems we won’t get any remuneration. We will reach an agreement or else, they’ll have to write ‘Team 1 vs Team 2’ or ‘Team blue and yellow vs Team red and white’,” a Superliga source told news outlet Tiempo.

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