North Dakota rejects gaming expansion

North Dakota rejects gaming expansion

Gaming expansion won’t be possible in North Dakota for now, after this week’s defeat during Senate’s vote, which resulted in 46-45.

US.- North Dakota House of Representatives did not allow a gaming expansion. The vote held this week resulted in the narrowly dismissal (46-45) of the gaming bill that pretended to integrate wagering services at historic regional horse racing. The regulation had been previously approved by the State’s Senate, but failed to move forward after the House vote.

However, the gaming proposal Resolution 3033 had already been defeated at North Dakota House Judiciary Committee last month by 63-28. The project was introduced by their House Majority Leader, Al Carlson, R-Fargo. “Obviously, this bill will benefit the horse racing industry,” Don Santer, the chief executive officer of the North Dakota Association for the Disabled, told the Bismarck Tribune. “But that benefit will cost all the other gaming charities in North Dakota.”

Al Carlson’s bill set conditions to operate historic horse racing, only 10 local venues would have been able to offer the exclusive product. “What you see are simulated horses, cartoon characters at the last few seconds of a race. Then you’re on to the next one,” Rep. Lawrence Klemin, R-Bismarck, said. “This concept, I believe, is a phony excuse for expanding gaming.” Opponents to the bill, like Klemin, argued that the gaming platform was similar to slot machines.