New Hampshire proposes casino bill

New Hampshire proposes casino bill

A Senator introduced a bill that would allow two casinos in the state.

US.- Senator Lou D’Allesandro introduced a bill that would allow the construction of two gaming facilities in New Hampshire. Senate Bill 242 is set to increase revenue and boost the economy of the Northeastern state.

According to the Senator, the two casinos would bring US$195 million every year. “This bill is an economic recovery job-creation package. Right now, we have gambling going on all around us and New Hampshire is seeing none of the benefits. With two casinos, we have an opportunity to create hundreds of jobs, bring in hundreds of millions of dollars into our state, and help our struggling communities,” said D’Allesandro. Local communities would get US$25 million per year as well, and two extra casinos would also compete against neighboring states.

The Senator believes that the majority of the people of New Hampshire are in favor of gaming and that “it’s time for the Legislature to listen.” Even though there isn’t a specific location for the casinos, it is expected that one of the possible sites will be the Seabrook Park, a former dog track. Seabrook Selectman Aboul Khan said that he hopes the bill has a chance, but he doesn’t know if there’s an appetite in the House of Representatives for casino legislation. “I’d like to see a casino in Seabrook,” he added.