Mashpee casino on hold

Mashpee casino on hold

The project introduced by the tribe to build a casino in Massachusetts is now in doubt over federal recognition rights.

US.- The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has withdrawn the request to get federal recognition of its land rights, therefore the casino project in charge of the tribe is now in doubt. The venue could be the third in the Bay State area.

Earlier this week tribe representatives released a statement where it was detailed that the tribe was no longer after the opinion of the Department of Interior regarding the status of the land taken into trust by the federal government. The opponents said that the federal government didn’t properly interpret the federal Indian Law to give the Mashpoo Wampanoag tribe the 300 acres of land where the casino is supposed to be built, and they were asking the court to cancel the government’s decision under the basis that it was made under an ungrammatical interpretation of the native law.

“In a consultation with the U.S Department of the Interior, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe has suspended its request for review under Category 1 of the Indian Reorganisation Act,” said the statement, and authorities added that they will continue their existing appeal whilst working closely with the Interior on more options to forever protect their land base, bring thousands of jobs to Southern eastern Massachusetts, and secure a prosperous future for the Tribe.

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