Lottery sales increase 20 pct in China

Lottery sales increase 20 pct in China

Total sales in Mainland China increased 20% during 2018’s operations to €66.3 billion.

China.- According to information released by China’s Ministry of Finance, Mainland China’s total sales from official lottery products in full-2018 totalled €66.3 billion, which represents a 19.9% increase when compared to the previous year.

Welfare lottery tickets in the 12-month period reached €29.1 billion, approximately 3.5% higher than the number that was reported in full-year 2017. Sports lottery sales also posted a good performance with a 36.8% year-on-year increase to €37.2 billion.

Mainland China also posted an increase in lottery sales in all of the 31 provinces and cities authorised to sell lottery tickets. The only territory in China that did not achieved a revenue increase was Tibet, which experienced a year-on-year decline of 4.3%.

Guangdong was once again the top scorer in China, as its total lottery ticket sales reached the €6.3 billion figure in the 12 month period, up 15.9% from 2017. The province was followed by Jiangsu, which increased revenues by 25.3% to €5.7 billion.

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