Lottery to help Massachusetts budget

Lottery sales in the state are expected to reach another record high in annual profit.

US.- The Massachusetts Lottery is expected to reach another record despite not achieving better results than last year. The data reveals that the Lottery will end this year with a little more in profits than 2016, and it will help the budget of the state.

As Telegram reported, the Legislature of the state is relying on the lottery to generate money that would be returned to municipalities. Treasurer Deborah Goldberg introduced back in January a bill that would authorise the Massachusetts State Lottery to offer online games. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission said that the legalisation of the online gambling would help the state to regulate and tax already existing wagering sites. Additionally, it would turn the state into a technology leader.

Goldberg warned lawmakers that the strike will not continue if they insist on not letting the online sector prosper. The lottery is expected to end this year with US$989.7 million in profits, up from the US$989.4 totaled in fiscal year 2016, whilst the current slots parlor in the state is projected to collect US$160 million in revenue, less than the US$64.4 reported last year. These numbers are expected to grow as to resort casinos are currently under the last phase of construction in the state.

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lottery Massachusetts