Legal sports betting industry in Vietnam

Legal sports betting industry in Vietnam

Players will be able to bet on international soccer games, horse and greyhound races.

Vietnam.- The Vietnamese government keeps introducing proposals to innovate the gaming industry countrywide. Last Friday, officials announced the implementation of a formal decree to legalise the sports betting industry starting in March 31.

Under the upcoming legislation, Vietnamese residents will be able to bet on several international soccer games, as well as on horse and greyhound races. The statement was released in the government’s official website on Friday 3.

The regulation will contemplate only legal gaming through land-based platforms. Legislators have established several conditions: players must be above 21 years old; minimum bet would be of VND$1,000 (US$4.42 cents) and the daily maximum limit is VND$1 million (US$40).

Furthermore, the sports betting services must be located at least 500 meters away from schools and public venues for children; whilst selected soccer games will have to be recognised by FIFA and approved by the Vietnamese Ministry of Sports.