Lawmakers make official a casino limitation

Lawmakers make official a casino limitation

The New Jersey Assembly approved this week the law that suspends casino licenses in case of closure.

US.- The New Jersey Assembly officially approved the new amendment on casino law that will suspend the operation licenses in case of closing procedure. The Senate Bill 2575 prohibits authorised gaming companies to open a new casino under the same license once the original salon is shut down.

That is the case of Carl Icahn’s Trump Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, which was closed last October due to severe problems with the labour union. The international press suggested that Icahn’s company plan was to open another resort in New Jersey’s gambling hub with a new labour force.

However, the recent approved law limits the extension of a gaming license only to the casino originally authorised. The license will not be able to be implemented in the State for at least five years after the shutdown, covering the closing procedure of casinos from January 2016 onwards. The New Jersey Assembly voted 60-17 to make it official.

According to Union president Bob McDevitt, of Local 54 of Unite-HERE, which held a strike against the Taj Mahal in July, “The Legislature is doing a good job in trying to support that social compact,” as the new regulation “sends a strong signal that the referendum in 1976 that authorised casino gaming contemplated good jobs with benefits.”