Dutch regulator advances player protection guidelines

Dutch regulator advances player protection guidelines

The regulator has concluded a series of meetings aimed at improving player protection.

Netherlands.- Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), Netherlands’ gambling regulator, has revealed that it successfully finished a series of five meetings in regards to its Duty of Care guideline to improve player protection.

The regulator revealed that the last meeting took place in Rotterdam on April 11, 2019. “In a constructive atmosphere, discussions were held with gambling providers, healthcare professionals and experts about measures aimed at preventing people from becoming addicted to gambling and what should be done about consumer protection,” explained KSA.

The regulator said that the common denominator of the meetings was that there is broad support for the ideas behind the measures in the guideline. However, it said that some gambling providers have reservations about the concrete elaboration of a number of measures.

In the Guidelines for the Duty of Care, the Ksa outlines the measures that gambling providers must follow to fulfill their duty of care, included in the local Gambling Act.  The five meetings in the country are part of the so-called consultation, a period in which industry executives and stakeholders can comment on policy documents, and then the KSA assesses all responses and adjusts the document if necessary or desired.

Once the Board of Directors of the KSA establish theGuidelines for the Duty of Care, the measures from the document are the starting point for the supervision of the gambling sector. Parties that do not adequately implement addiction prevention run the risk of sanctioning measures by the KSA.

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