Kostandina Zafirovska will join the Innovation Talks at CEEGC

Kostandina Zafirovska will join the Innovation Talks at CEEGC

The aim of the panel is to discuss strategies and new technology that could be implement during next year as there are two main highlighted events in the calendar, the Winter Olympics and the FIFA World Cup.

Press release.- The organizers are honored to announce that Kostandina Zafirovska (CEO at BtoBet) will join the “Innovation Talks – Preparing for the World Cup and Winter Olympics 2018” panel and will give a presentation about the Use of AI in sports betting and Omni-channel playing a big role during large events.

Given the fact that competition is getting the market really crowded, we are anticipating a busy year for operators, software providers and affiliates. The whole industry is already making marketing plans in order to be the top brand which will attract the large volumes.

While top affiliate companies are already gearing up and gathering assets in order to stay ahead in the sports betting segment, a large part of the affiliate industry is already negotiating with the operators in providing a quality bonus structure for the 2 main events. Sports betting platform are also working hard and the year 2018 promises to be important in terms of AI implementation and Omni-channel innovations.

The panel is a must attend one if you are operating on the sports betting industry, convert or cross-market in 2018.

The “Innovation Talks – Preparing for the World Cup and Winter Olympics 2018” panel is scheduled to be held between 15:30 – 16:15 (Budapest Local Time) on the 19th of September (Day 1) during the second edition of the Central and Eastern European Gaming Conference Budapest.

In this article:
ceegc shows and conferences sports betting