Kentucky lawmakers against casino gambling

Kentucky lawmakers against casino gambling

Two Republican lawmakers said that efforts to legalise casino gambling in Kentucky would fail in the Senate.

US.- Kentucky is trying to legalise casinos, but some lawmakers are still opposed to the idea of bringing gambling to the state. Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer and Senate President Robert Stivers both said that any effort would die in the Senate.

The two Republican lawmakers issued a joint statement saying that any effort to legalise camino gambling in Kentucky would be dead on arrival in the Senate, Charlotte Observer reported. This statement is completely opposite to what Thayer had once said, as he had sponsored a ballot proposal to legalise casino gambling.

Attorney General and Democratic candidate Andy Beshear says that casino gambling is a long-overdue subject in the state. He argues that it would generate US$500 million in yearly tax revenue, which would be used to support the underfunded public pension systems in the state.

However, the two Republican lawmakers say that the estimations are drastically overstated. “We want to be abundantly clear, there is absolutely no chance any such effort would pass the Senate in an upcoming session,” they said. “Any bill proposing casino gambling would be dead on arrival.”

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