“It’s important to enhance market presence in all continents”

“It’s important to enhance market presence in all continents”

(Exclusive interview).- Peter Korpusenko, CEO at TVBET, talked with Focus Gaming News about the company’s performance in the latest weeks.

Focus Gaming News interviewed TVBET’s CEO Peter Korpusenko and discussed how the company performed over the last few months, amid the Covid-19 crisis.

How does the ‘end’ of Covid-19-related measures find TVBET? How have you survived the pandemic and how do you plan to move forward in the current market?

During those events, the main goal of TVBET team was to support streaming service to our wide network of partners. Indeed, we configured the work of our employees in such a manner as to make our studio work 24/7 and keep all the staff safe. As for the Sales and Marketing departments, the teams functioned remotely.

Speaking of business, the global situation occurred forced many business owners to complement their product offerings with alternative products. Such demand, therefore, affected the growing interest in our live betting solutions.

During sporting events’ suspension, you issued a series of recommendations for operators, how were they received by the industry? Did any companies reach out to you to get further assistance?

The number of integration requests even increased. Many clients used to consider our product as an option, but the situation in the world made them examine this in more detail.

Online calls won’t replace a live dialogue

Peter Korpusenko, CEO, TVBET.

As an iGaming company, networking is key, but you had to do it through online events, how different was that for you? Do you think this unusual way of reaching out to other companies worked?

It can now be said that the online calls won’t replace a live dialogue. Of course, most of our networking processes, both internal and external were previously partially remote, it’s more about the exhibitions and conferences. We expect that, in a little while, we’ll be able to meet each other at major industry events live.

You’ve actually signed many partnership deals in the last few weeks, how important is that for the company’s operation and goals? Do you plan to announce any further deals in the near future?

For the previous year, in our case, we showed that the industry newcomers can grow to a global scale if they were persistent, technologically innovative, and responsible. For TVBET it’s very important to enhance market presence in all continents and we’re taking it step-by-step. And sure, we have some more great news for you in that regard, which will be announced shortly.

Which verticals do you see thriving in the current situation of the industry and which are struggling? What are the main challenges to sustain a success or reverse a poor performance?

Well, evidently, the additional boost in gaming industry was given to alternative betting products, like virtual games, TV games, cybersport, which operate independently of restrictions on public gatherings. And the main challenge for such companies is to take it to the next level, focusing on innovative approaches. And that’s why our team doesn’t dwell on the current success, developing new technological solutions in the niche of broadcast games.

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interviews Our partners TVBET