Indiana bill experiences some changes

Indiana bill experiences some changes

A bill introduced last month in Indiana that deals with gaming taxes and revenue has been updated.

US.- The House Bill 1350 introduced by Indiana State Representative Todd Huston in February has suffered several changes. If it gets legalised, this new alteration would minimise the money that host counties get from gaming every year.

His original proposal included a US$3 admission fee per visitor along with a wagering tax of 3 percent. Moreover, whilst it is estimated that the state pays US$48 million every year to local units as a complement to their shares, the bill seeks the reduction of the tax to US$30 million, almost a 38 percent cut, whilst the remaining US$18 million would go directly to the state general fund. According to WFYI, during yesterday’s meeting of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Huston changed the bill and created a new wagering tax on casinos and it also eliminated the admission fee.

This alteration means that counties that host the casinos would receive less money ever year from gaming revenues. “For a lot of years, it was a great, great industry for the state of Indiana, putting lots and lots of revenue into state and local communities. But it isn’t that way anymore and we’re going to have to kinda have that shared sacrifice together,” he said.

Senator Luke Kenley Appropriations Committee Chair, added: “I don’t see anything in this bill that is insurmountable if we’ll put our heads to it, if we want to reach a solution.” The bill is now facing the Senate floor.