India requests new casino

India requests new casino

As a new offshore casino could start its operations soon, the Captain of Ports (CoP) demanded the approval to allot a jetty.

India.- Casino industry is expected to grow in India with the approval of a new offshore casino. In order to start the process to install the casino vessel MV San Domino, local authorities demanded the government to finally set the approval to allot a jetty, as revealed by the Indian and international press this past weekend.

The MV San Domino currently hosts the Maharajah casino, owned by the Essel Group, and it has been in Mandovi waters since 2009. Nonetheless, it’s -for now- out of operation, at least until reparations needed for the ship are finished and Golden Globe takes over. The company owned by politician Gopal Kanda plans to sign a sixth-month lease to operate the venue. Furthermore, The High Court of Bombay at Goa has asked the State government to assign Golden Globe a location at the pier and it’s expected that the necessary documents and orders will be filed over the next few days.

According to last weekend’s reports, the CoP supported offshore casino operator Golden Globe Hotels’ first application to allot a jetty, which was submitted last December. “Golden Globe has told the court that it intends to start its operations this month after the vessel’s refurbishment is completed,” explained the report released by AGBrief.

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