Illinois rejects another casino

Illinois rejects another casino

Legislators of Illinois attempted to expand the current casino legislation to add permissions.

US.- An expected plan to add a new casino in Springfield, Illinois, may have been dismissed by the House Rules Committee. The governmental entity has blocked the amendment to Senate Bill 7, which would have expanded the current casino legislation. After the committee’s decision, legislators would not have time to consider the proposal during this spring session, according to the State Journal-Register.

The casino expansion project was introduced by Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield, and aims at adding a sixth casino to the current list of authorised gaming plans for Springfield, in Illinois. The sponsors of the bill were going to present the project during a House Executive Committee hearing today, but yesterday’s resolution has blocked the progress of the proposal.

“If the amendment is stuck in Rules, that means it’s not eligible to be heard (Monday) on the bill,” explained Butler to the State Journal-Register. As the newspaper also explains the casino amendment now would face harder conditions to be approved. Another sessions is scheduled for adjournment this Wednesday.

However, the bill would have to urge for three-fifths vote in each chamber in order to be completely approved. The Senate of Illinois has passed two weeks ago a casino legislation to include further gaming projects throughout the state. Butler’s proposal, nevertheless, has been introduced a little too late. “Sometimes things do get added at the end, but I think when we’ve talked about casinos around the state for many years, this one was really late in the game,” stated the official.

In this article:
amendment casinos Illinois Springfield