Illinois compares video gambling to casinos

Illinois compares video gambling to casinos

The local gaming commission said that adding video gambling to the state was like adding 24 new casinos.

US.- A recent annual report issued by the state legislature’s Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability says the addition of video gambling in Illinois equals having more than 24 casinos.

The report tracked gambling revenue that the state received during the last full fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2018. Video gambling revenue and the number of terminals increased from US$301 million from 26,873 terminals in 2017 to US$352 million from 29,283 terminals, approximately US$1k more per machine in just a year.

Illinois believes that video gambling terminals equate to 24 casinos because the facilities in the state are capped at a 1,200 “gaming positions” per facility. The state’s ten casinos totalled US$271 million in 2018, while in comparison 1200 video gambling terminals generate US$14.4 million.

“We don’t think we need any more brick and mortar casinos in the state,” said Tom Swoik, executive director the Illinois Casino Gaming Association. “We do think the legalization of sports betting will help now that the Supreme Court has ruled states can allow it if they want.”

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