Hungary grants online casino license

Hungary grants online casino license

The European country granted its first online casino license.

Hungary.- The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) announced that it granted LVC Diamond its first online casino license. The company will start the registration process in the next couple of weeks.

According to information released on the website of the tax and customs office, the license will be valid until the last day of December 2024. Local newswire MTI reported that local players will be allowed to pay with credit card, as well as pre-paid cards, e-wallet and bank transfers. “The expansion into the on-line casino space is the next step in the growth of the Las Vegas Casino brand and the development of its portfolio of casino gaming services in Hungary and the region.” said a statement from the company.

LVC is owned by Andy Vajna, a government commissioner for the film industry, who also operates five casinos in the country. Vajna started his operations in the country in 2015, after he obtained his first license the previous year.