Holland Casino increases income in 2018

Holland Casino increases income in 2018

The Netherlands brand increased income by 2.7% in 2018 despite an increase in spending.

Netherlands.- Holland Casino experienced good financial results in 2018, despite a significant increase in spending on construction renovation. In 2018, the group opened two new casinos in Amsterdam and Groningen and upgraded other facilities as well.

The company revealed that income for full 2018 has increased by 2.7% to €656.5 million. These results were achieved despite an increase in income and a slight decrease in the number of visitors. In 2018, Holland Casino received 5.7 million visitors, approximately 100k less than 2017. Average spend, however, was €114 million, up from the €109 million registered a year before.

Holland Casino CEO Erwin van Lambaart said: “Despite an unprecedented long hot summer we have managed to make a solid financial result of higher gross profit compared to 2017. In a competitive market we have managed to stabilise our share and take major steps in renewing our company.

“2018 is the year in which the ambitions of Holland Casino literally came to fruition before everybody’s eyes, especially in the last quarter. With the implementation of our strategy HC2020, which will help us to become the best casino company in Europe, we are firmly on track. Preparations are on schedule for our digital proposition, so we are ready when the online market opens.

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