Lawmakers back legalised gaming in Brazil

Lawmakers back legalised gaming in Brazil

Paraná Pesquisas interviewed 238 of the 513 federal legislators and 52% would legalise gaming in Brazil.

Brazil.- A new survey reveals that gaming may soon be a reality in Brazil. According to the results of a Paraná Pesquisas study, 52% of lawmakers surveyed in Brazil would pass it. Thus, they informed that in September, during the debates, the game will have great support in the Chamber of Deputies.

The survey

Paraná Pesquisas interviewed 238 of the 513 federal lawmakers in the country. It showed that 52% would approve gaming legalisation in Brazil. The proposed bill includes casinos, bingo, online gambling and others. In addition, 40.8% are against it and another 7% remain undecided.

According to their studies, the benefits of casinos, in terms of job creation and growth, could be in line with policies to increase tourism. That’s why the Brazilian Tourism Commission asked lawmakers to debate it.

As reported by local media, the Tourism Commission is pushing for gaming legalisation in Brazil. Lower Chamber President Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), received the proposals and will work on them.

“As World Tourism Day is commemorated on September 27, we think that would be the ideal week to consolidate the effort. That’s why I requested support for the inclusion of bills related to tourism in the chamber’s agenda.”

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