“Gamesman has a very healthy spread of business across the globe”

“Gamesman has a very healthy spread of business across the globe”

(Exclusive interview).- Martin Rigby and Arturo Catano, officials from Gamesman, shared their assessment on the industry.

Sales director of Gamesman, Martin Rigby, along with Arturo Catano, the company’s vice president of global sales, shared with Focus Gaming News the benefits from interacting with the public, as well as their current assessment of the international markets. As a leading gaming company, the Gamesman officials also shared details of the upcoming projects and insisted on the philosophy that innovation is a pillar of the company.

Gamesman has recently introduced a new role within the organisation in order to improve the company’s global service to the industry. What is the most important part when building relationships with clients?

The first thing that comes to mind is that Gamesman has always been a strong believer in working closely with customers to understand how they work and to satisfy their business short to long term needs.

We focus our efforts on key products where we offer a differentiator LCD Button Decks, Touch Button Decks, Push Buttons, Stepper Reels, Toppers, LED illumination controls. This technology spread coupled with the dynamics of the Gaming Industry present additional challenges to excel on a very fast time from idea to market. We are very conscious that our success to date has largely depended on our effective delivery of solutions to these requirements. The growing activity we’ve been experiencing required us to expand our structure adding talent not only in Engineering but also in Sales, increasing our capacity to remain very close to the customers and continue delivering top products and services on a timely manner. These are the reasons for adding the two new Sales Engineering roles to our already successful team. Employing sales people with previous experience in our engineering team and effective interpersonal skills allow us to be of more help to customers by accelerating product selection, and direct technical discussions in parallel with the commercial aspects. Thus, reducing the time to reach an optimum solution. We aim to offer customers the very best of Gamesman and to provide our internal teams all they need to understand about our customer requirements in order to deliver the best solutions in the shortest time possible.

These type of profiles are not easy to find. However, we are very pleased to have promoted two of our engineers into these roles, namely, Sergio Catano over a year ago and Christopher Kirby most recently. This is an opportunity to broaden their scope and to continue delivering the industry with the historical Gamesman culture of innovation, dependable service and flexibility that our customers have counted on for the past 20 years.

We aim to offer customers the very best of Gamesman and to provide our internal teams all they need to understand about our customer requirements in order to deliver the best solutions in the shortest time possible.

The company is led by the philosophy that innovation is the key, among other things. How do you maintain your successful position in the industry whilst also attempting to remain at the cutting edge of design?

In simple terms by never resting on our laurels, and never assuming we will retain business purely because we have enjoyed it for a lengthy time. We remain innovative by focussing our technology teams on the gaming trends and delivering product ideas on time to satisfy the dreams of the industry leaders. At the same time we service the market with world class manufacturing metrics, with an established lean manufacturing process, and a robust operating system that encompasses every function of our company, which is also reaching our supply partners.

What markets are currently in sight for the company? How do you assess the situation of the gaming industry in Japan?

Gamesman is very fortunate in that it has a very healthy spread of business across the globe, and we’ve already established supply agreements with major Japanese OEMs many years ago for their export markets and even for their local sector. It will be very interesting to see how the legislation shapes in Japan, Brazil, India, etc. As I have mentioned previously, we stay very close to all our customers and continue supporting all global OEMs customers in anticipation of the new gaming legislations.

we’ve already established supply agreements with major Japanese OEMs many years ago for their export markets and even for their local sector.

Whilst Gamesman is based in London, the company has nourished its partnerships in multiple continents. What are the biggest differences when approaching new markets?

We believe fundamentally that in order to service customers successfully across the globe we must be in front of them, working closely to understand their special requirements, and providing the peace of mind they deserve demonstrating that Gamesman is most dependable, totally transparent, complying with the highest industrial standards and adheres to the strictest code of conduct.

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

Gamesman has a large number of active projects in the various development stages with commitment and focus to support the customer launch dates in the short to mid-term. It is workload well spread among our teams ranging from bespoke projects to variations of our standard design models. Couple this with our activity on innovation and the synergies with the R&D teams within our parent Esterline, and the contribution of some great partners, and we feel very positive about the years ahead.

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