Gamesman creates new position

Gamesman creates new position

The dual Sales Engineer function has been created by Gamesman to improve the customer service by combining engineering and marketing labours.

UK.- Esterline Corporation’s Gamesman has created a new role within the organisation which brings together the combined skill sets provided by engineering and marketing specialists. The international gaming equipment and systems manufacturer explained that the dual Sales Engineer function “requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships with clients, all set against a strong engineering background and detailed product knowledge.”

Sergio Catano has become Gamesman’s first International Sales Engineer and described: “Essentially, I perform the sales function of technical products across international markets. We create technical and highly engineered products, many of which are bespoke to the client. I have to manage the technology evaluation stage of the sales process, provide technical and commercial proposals supporting the various customer teams – R&D, Purchasing, Production, Quality, and Field Service – through the business cycle of the product. I see myself as an engineer who has a commercial and marketing head.”

Martin Rigby, Gamesman’s Sales Director, believes the creation of a new position is in keeping with trends in modern industry and said: “Fundamentally, Gamesman’s success over the last 20-years has been built around its market leading engineering and technical abilities. Whilst our customers haven’t requested it, the idea of combining good sound engineering with a more outward looking perspective on gaming and marketing, appealed as a concept.”

“The dual function is becoming a powerful new trend in industrial markets and is a quantum leap from the silo thinking which is inherently inefficient,” Rigby said and added: “The Sales Engineer is a highly qualified position which requires great technical skills and product knowledge, the ability to build relationships with clients, and to work effectively in an international teamwork environment.”

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