“Gamesman believes that innovation is the key”

“Gamesman believes that innovation is the key”

(Exclusive interview).- Gamesman reviews its performance at ICE 2017.

The key British manufacturer for the international gaming industry, Gamesman, has reviewed with Focus Gaming News it 20th participation at the most iconic gaming event of the year, ICE Totally Gaming. Martin Rigby, Sales Director of the exclusive company, revealed the highlights of this year’s edition and the upcoming targets of Gamesman.

Gamesman believes that ICE is one of the most important gaming exhibitions of the year, therefore the preparation it’s essential. Did you perceive the effort you made before the show? What was the response from the attendees?

Good preparation is essential from the point of view of both the booth design, and the customer itinerary of meetings for the show itself. The ICE is particularly important for Gamesman. It is not only on home ground being in London, but also attracts the widest array of both existing and potential customers from all over the globe. We fill the three days with meetings, and it is invaluable to have everyone in the same place at the same time. Away from the schedule of meetings ICE is also a great opportunity for us to meet potential new customers and forge new relationships, so the booth design and execution is of paramount importance, after all it is our “Shop Window” for the three days of the show.

What are the main characteristics that distinguish ICE 2017 from other similar events for Gamesman’s development? 

As I have mentioned previously, whereas other shows cater more specifically for particular gaming markets, ICE always seems to attracts the widest assortment of companies and individuals from all over the global gaming family. Every ICE show for us seems to grow in both size and importance to our business, and because ICE takes place in London this gives it an added sense of responsibility and making sure we get everything right.

The ICE is particularly important for Gamesman. It is not only on home ground being in London, but also attracts the widest array of both existing and potential customers from all over the globe.

This year you celebrated your 20th consecutive appearance at ICE. What were the results of this years’ experience?

I think this re-enforces the message before that we take this show very seriously and it is imperative that we continue to support it, as it has supported us as we have grown as a company. Every year we have taken part in ICE we have grown and developed as a business, just as ICE has. It was particularly touching that the organisers of the show, Clarion, recognised our long term commitment to them and to ICE with a Birthday Cake celebrating our 20 years association. Needless to say we have already booked our space at ICE 2018!

Year after year the company has maintained the same customer-led philosophy, do you think this year’s feedback will help you improve even more your products? 

Of course the answer is yes. As a manufacturer, specifically to the Gaming Industry, we are nothing without our customers and those relationships that we have nurtured over the years. We are very aware that good reputations take a long time to forge, but can be lost in a moment, and we never forget or underestimate this. We never rest on our laurels, and are always looking to maintain our competitive edge both in terms of innovation and delivering exceptional products, but perhaps more importantly a degree of customer service that we believe is quite unique.

As a manufacturer, specifically to the Gaming Industry, we are nothing without our customers and those relationships that we have nurtured over the years. We are very aware that good reputations take a long time to forge, but can be lost in a moment, and we never forget or underestimate this.

What are the upcoming plans for the company? 

As I have already mentioned Gamesman believes that innovation is the key. We must never stop trying to move forward or attempting to remain at the cutting edge of design, and we must do this by listening to our customers with both ears! It is by nurturing the customer relationships that we have while also increasing our technological footprint with the help of our parent, Esterline, that we will continue to move forward and hopefully remain as the key supplier that we are to the Worlds Gaming Elite.