“G2E was a huge success for us this year”

“G2E was a huge success for us this year”

(Exclusive interview).- Marcus Tiedt, Sales Director at Innovative Technology, talked with Focus Gaming News after the latest edition of G2E Las Vegas.

Global Gaming Expo has just finalised in Las Vegas and companies are assessing their accomplishments at the latest edition of the show. Innovative Technology was one of the highlights of the event, and the company’s Sales Director, Marcus Tiedt, talked with Focus Gaming News to analyse the performance and its future plans. 

How did the company experience G2E 2018? What were the responses to the NV200 Spectral and Live Ticket TITO solution?

G2E was a huge success for us this year with a busy stand for the entire three-day show. We were delighted to welcome visitors not only from the United States but from all over the world. Both the NV200 Spectral bill validator and our TITO solution (Live Ticket) which were the focus on our stand attracted lots of interest. The NV200 Spectral is a highly secure and technologically advanced bill validator that uses state of the art spectral sensors to give 100% note image capture. Operators were also keen to try out our TITO (Ticket In Ticket Out) emulator on the booth. They were impressed with this low-cost offering which maximises revenue by increasing machine-up-time and eliminating fraudulent tickets.

What was the main achievement of participating in this edition of the show?

Demoing our Spectral technology to the G2E visitors was a key highlight for us. Spectral sensors are used in both our NV9 Spectral and NV200 Spectral validators to provide high resolution imaging. The NV200 Spectral scans 4.8 million data points whilst the NV9 Spectral scans 1.28 million data points to authenticate the validity of bills – both are the most technically advanced bill validators in their class. They deliver outstanding fraud protection by using clever optical and mechanical anti-strimming technology and stained bill detection. Their modular design means customers can also add on recycling and ticketing capabilities for even more cash handling functionality.

We successfully showed visitors from across the world how to handle coins, bills and tickets more efficiently, reducing cash related security risks and improving the customer experience.

Showcasing our TITO solution was also a success. Live Ticket uses our NV12 (a compact validator and ticket printer), MicroHub and Android desktop TITO redemption terminal. The solution reduces operational and cash handling costs by increasing machine play time and speeding up customer payouts. It also gives a full machine audit of cash and TITO transactions. This retrofit solution allows customers to convert digital or analogue machines to become TITO-capable and gained a lot of attention from US Operators.

How did the public react to the company’s demo of some of their field-proven products?

We successfully showed visitors from across the world how to handle coins, bills and tickets more efficiently, reducing cash related security risks and improving the customer experience. One of our field-proven validators that is well-established in the States is the BV50 which was designed specifically for the US market. With the option of up or down stacking and four cash box capacities the BV50 suits all applications.

[Operators] were impressed with this low-cost offering which maximises revenue by increasing machine-up-time and eliminating fraudulent tickets.

Did the focus on sports betting industry in the US boost an integrative perspective of casino and sports betting operations? 

Sports betting was a hot topic at G2E this year, with the event successfully bringing together casino and sports betting operations under one roof. Our original NV9 bill validator is the ideal product for the popular sports betting market so we were pleased to see this being used on many operators stands at the show for this purpose. The popular NV9 is the leading validator for the European sports betting segment. Its enhanced sensing technology and high acceptance rate for multi-currency makes it ideal for this expanding area of gaming, and it offers flexibility as its modular design means that a ticket printer can be added on to create the NV12 giving operators barcoded ticket printing capabilities.

What are Innovative Technology’s plans for the future?

Next stop in the US will be ICE Sports Betting followed early in 2019 with NRF (Retail’s Big Show) – both held in New York. Plans are also underway for the biggest show in the ITL calendar – ICE Totally Gaming 2019 which takes place in London in February. 

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