“G2E offers a rare opportunity”

“G2E offers a rare opportunity”

(Exclusive interview).- Martin Rigby, Sales Director of Gamesman talked with Focus Gaming News about the latest edition of G2E Las Vegas.

After the event Global Gaming Expo (G2E) in Las Vegas, the renowned gaming company Gamesman discussed with Focus Gaming News the company’s performance and shared the goals for the rest of the year.  Martin Rigby, Sales Director of the company, also revealed details about Gamesman’s vision on the international event.

Did Gamesman accomplish its goals for G2E?

Gamesman’s goal at the G2E is always to make the most of the short space of time available to interact with as many customers and potential customers as possible, and in that respect we were very satisfied. G2E provides a perfect platform for meeting with our customers from all over the globe. This years show was not only busy from the meetings that we had pre-arranged to discuss ongoing projects, but also proved extremely worthwhile in providing some good opportunities for the year ahead from people looking and interacting with the products on the Gamesman Booth.

Which was the highlight of the show for the company? Major events like G2E involve several companies from all over the world, could Gamesman take advantage of such an important chance for networking?

As I mentioned previously, events such as G2E offer a rare opportunity to gather together nearly all your customers under one roof for three days, and so it is essential that we take positive advantage of that and capitalise on meeting and discussing current activities. This, as well as providing Gamesman the opportunity to show off any new and exciting product developments on the booth, is invaluable, after all this is our shop front, meaning it is critical that we show all the products in their best light. Gamesman have specialised over the years in providing cutting edge innovation coupled with outstanding design and aesthetics, and the opportunity G2E affords to potential customers to interact with the products is hugely beneficial as opposed to looking at a picture on a website for instance.

The opportunity G2E affords to potential customers to interact with the products is hugely beneficial as opposed to looking at a picture on a website for instance.

How did G2E help with the company’s plans?

2017 has been a successful and fulfilling year for Gamesman. We continue to benefit from the support we receive from our Parent Esterline, and the resources they afford, both in financial terms and in the wide ranging synergies we can benefit from by employing the technologies from some of Esterline’s other companies, for instance touch screens.

We are very positive about 2018 and beyond, and look forward to continuing to support our

2017 is almost over, what are your expectations for this final stretch?

This success in turn allows Gamesman to continue to offer our customers the sort of high quality, innovative products they rely on, and just as importantly, the support and customer service that they have come to expect over the 21 years we have been working for the International Gaming Community. We are very positive about 2018 and beyond, and look forward to continuing to support our expanding Worldwide customer base with cutting edge and innovative products.

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