Florida approves gaming expansion bill

Florida approves gaming expansion bill

A state committee approved a bill that has the intention to expand the activity in Florida.

US.- The bill introduced by Bill Galvano was approved by a State Senate Committee. The bill wants to develop two casinos in Miami-Dade and Boward, as well as add more slot machines to racetracks.

According to the Senate Regulated Industries Committee, there was no complications when trying to pass the bill through the current legislative session. House Commerce Committee Rep. Jose Felix Diaz, said: “The Senate’s passage of a gaming bill this early in the year is a gigantic first step. The fact that we are seeing forward progress in January is a testament to Sen. Galvano’s willingness to continue a conversation with multiple interested parties, including the governor, the Seminole Tribe and the Florida House.”

Diaz is also involved in the Seminole tribe case, where the latest news indicate that the state officially appealed a court ruling that gave the Seminole Tribe of Florida the exclusive rights to offer blackjack and card games in their facilities. Earlier this month, the judge Robert Hinkle rejected a second petition from Gretna Racing, a parimutuel cardamom operator in Gadsden County. The Seminole representatives consider the agreement as part of a 20-year contract with the State, so the operation of card games, such as blackjack baccarat, should be exclusively managed by the tribe until the agreement is expired. Diaz believes that approving the gaming expansion bill in the Committee whilst still fighting the blackjack case is a big step for Florida.

Galvano said that the expansion will likely help the state cover the US$1 billion revenue shortfall that they’re experiencing. Furthermore, it would help them get stability and protection for essential programs in Florida.