Florida discusses further poker laws

Florida discusses further poker laws

Florida operators may be able to offer charity poker tournaments.

US.- As the State of Florida is assessing its current gaming regulations, the legislators will soon hold a debate on poker services. Yesterday, a new poker bill was introduced in the legislature in order to propose the legalisation of charity poker tournaments.

The new project may have more chances to be passed if the Senate proposes a similar poker bill to other State’s regulations, which contemplate a complete legislation on the sector by considering it as games of skill rather than chance.

The HB 799 poker bill introduced yesterday would establish a minimum prize pool of 40 percent to be paid to players and it would not be able to exceed 80 percent. The bill also proposes that the tournaments’ manager would “be a resident of the community in which the charitable, nonprofit, or veterans’ organisation is located” as well as “a bona fide member of such organisation” and “may not be compensated in any way.”