“Epicentral drove the most customer engagements”

“Epicentral drove the most customer engagements”

(Exclusive interview).- Tracey S Chernay from Transact talked with Focus Gaming News after G2E about the company’s participation in the global market.

TransAct celebrated a unique conference during this year’s Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, United States. One of the leading gaming companies has set new agreements to keep growing in the upcoming months and to participate in the Latin American gaming market. Tracey S Chernay, Senior Vice President, Global Casino, Gaming and Lottery at Transact, talked with Focus Gaming News after the show to discuss the outcome of this year’s edition and how the public received the introduction of products like Epic Edge TT and Epic 950 TT.

How would you rate this year’s edition of G2E?

G2E 2017 began with mixed feelings for us. While we were excited about what we had prepared to exhibit at the show, we were all still thinking about the events of Sunday evening. Fortunately, the show was extremely busy for us so once it began, we didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on it and we focused on welcoming our customers who came to see us at the show.

It was a good time to connect with our sales team from around the world and our long-time customers and for us to share that time together.

What about TransAct’s performance during the show?

This year’s G2E was one of our busiest and most positive shows. We were fully booked with appointments going into the show and with our booth being in the same location each year it allowed many more customers to easily find us.

Epicentral drove the most demonstrations and customer engagements followed closely by demonstrations on our new Epic Edge printer. Casinos are delighted to know that they can continue to count on the flagship Epic 950 while they transition over time to the new Epic Edge.

Did the company manage to either extend existing deals with customers or land any new ones?

We had a very strong show with regard to landing new deals and extending existing agreements. We were able to secure a win for a new casino opening due to the interest in Epicentral and the Easitrax Live demonstration with CPI. Additionally, we confirmed extensions for many existing TransAct Loyal Customer (TLC) agreements with the addition of the Epic Edge.

How did your experience at G2E affect your plans for the future?

This year’s G2E reinforced our decision to launch Epicentral SE where we provide the printing capability for existing Casino Management Systems through an API to Epicentral. The response to the Aristocrat Oasis and Epicentral SE demonstration both in our booth as well as in Aristocrat’s booth was extremely powerful especially since we recently have successfully installed this solution on 1000 games at Jake’s 58 in Long Island. Customers like to know that a solution is more than just a demonstration – they want real live installs and references which we offer.

TransAct will continue to build on this version of our system as it really resonates with our customers.

This year you’ve introduced Epic Edge TT and Epic 950 TT at the show. What is the feedback you received from visitors about them?

These table top versions of the printers were well received by the casinos who came into the booth with their feedback being overwhelming positive. Casinos like the integrated power supply for a neat, compact presentation of the unit as well as the extra security features the units offer with the locking mechanism. Table game printing has generated a tremendous interest at this year’s show and our new Table Top printer versions could not have come at a better time! We were in several table game provider booths with our printers.

What’s TransAct’s balance after participating in so many gaming shows?

TransAct is looking forward to calling on all of our customers who came to see us in the booth as we close out Q4’17 to make the most of our show experience. We are returning to SAGSE this year in November after having missed last year’s show so we are excited about connecting with our Latin American customers. We are also planning on a big splash in the European market in 2018 with our direct participation in ICE and an increased focus on our European customers.

In this article:
G2E 2017 interviews las vegas TransAct