Conflict over new casino in Thailand

Conflict over new casino in Thailand

The casino that opened near Buriram is located in a territory that is claimed by both Thailand and Cambodia.

Thailand.- A new casino opened in Thailand, with hundreds of people gathered to attend the event. Even if it was a successful first day, there were multiple people who were banned from entering the facility, as only locals and special guests were allowed.

As revealed by security officers , they were given the instructions with no clear reason. Thanes Wongcha-oum, Major General from the Thai Army Suranaree, who was responsible for that area, said that he didn’t have any directions to stop foreigners from crossing the border or even getting close to the venue. Veera Somkwamkid, an anti-corruption activist, said that he’s opposed to the new casino as it is located in a territory claimed by Thailand and Cambodia.

“I wish to oppose what happened [the opening of the casino on the overlapping territory], and if Cambodia petitions the [ICJ) court, I, as a Thai citizen, wish to show my objection here even though the government doesn’t,” he said. As gaming industry is prohibited in Thailand, the seeming violation of the territory was highly criticised by residents.

Experts agreed that the Cambodian gaming venue has violated the border limit and has been installed in Thai territory. However, Thailand’s National Parks Department confirmed that the casino is located in Cambodia. The conflict has been discussed since the beginning of the year but Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai commented that the government has not maintained any communication with the neighbour country over the casino issue. Furthermore, the national cabinet has not discussed the conflict during its last meeting, assured the Foreign Minister.