Chinese online gambling operator caught in Vietnam

Chinese online gambling operator caught in Vietnam

The suspect is wanted by the Chinese government for allegedly operating an online gambling site worth more than US$60 billion in mainland China.

Vietnam.- Vietnamese authorities have arrested a Chinese man accused of running an online gambling site worth more than US$60 billion in China.

In 2011, the Chinese government announced it would carry out a nationwide crackdown on gambling. In the Asian country, gambling is considered a vice comparable to prostitution.

Zhou, allegedly set up an online gambling site in 2011 with his accomplices using a capital of 400 billion yuan (US$61.77 billion.) The site made a profit of 580 million yuan (US$89.6 million) when it was in operation.

After Zhou fled China, the International Criminal Police Organisation issued a red notice. That was two years ago. In 2015, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security sent a request to its counterpart in Vietnam to arrest Zhou. Last month, a joint team of Hanoi and Chinese police forces arrested Zhou at a restaurant in the city, deporting him later to mainland China.