China is considering re-launching online lottery sales

China is considering re-launching online lottery sales

After online lottery operations were suspended in March 2015, the Chinese government is planning to re-launch online lottery operations.

China.- The Chinese government has plans to re-launch online lottery operations in the Asian country. These operations were suspended in March 2015 after evidence of fraud by officials from lottery administration centres arose across several Chinese provinces.

The suspension resulted in the overall lottery sales dropping 3.8 percent year-on-year in 2015 to the amount of RMB367.9 billion (US$56.79 billion,) although the decline was also attributed to the slowdown in the Chinese economy.

Back in March, AGTech Holdings, known to be a Hong Kong-listed provider of technology for the lottery industry, released its annual financial report, including a remark by CEO Sun Ho stating that the Chinese government is expected to approve new channels for lottery sales, referring to online and mobile ones. Furthermore, last October, lottery operator DJI Holdings unveiled that officials had approved a field trial of a mobile app for sports lottery sales in the Shandong province.

There has been no comment on the government’s side regarding the potential re-launch of online lottery sales, so it is still unknown when and whether these operations would be re-launched.