British Horseracing Authority names chairman

British Horseracing Authority names chairman

The BHA has appointed former UK government minister Sir Hugh Robertson as independent chair of the new Racing Authority.

UK.- Robertson will begin his induction this month by taking on the role of chair of the Shadow Racing Authority.

He will take on the full independent chair position when the new Racing Authority launches in 2019.

Next year, the current Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) will be replaced by the Racing Authority as part of a major reform of the UK racing sector.

The government is carrying out a consultation regarding the closure of the HBLB, and when complete, the Racing Authority will then be represented by British horseracing’s tripartite structure: the BHA, the Racecourse Association and the Horsemen’s Group.

Robertson, who will serve as chair of the Racing Authority for three years, will be reponsible for making expenditure decisions on behalf of British racing; ensuring fair and transparent distribution of funds; funding growth; consultation with the betting industry and wider stakeholders; and the growth of the racing product.

“I am delighted to be taking on this new role in British racing; I hope that my independence, experience of the wider world of sport and knowledge of sports finance will help racing make the most of this exciting new opportunity,” Robertson said.

BHA chairman Steve Harman commented, “We are delighted with this appointment; the shortlist was extremely high quality, reflecting where this sport is getting to in attracting talent of this calibre.

“Sir Hugh has worked tirelessly for British Olympic sport for more than 10 years, and was both an advocate and supporter in the Levy reform process.

“He is keen to grow the Racing Authority’s income and to drive the health and growth of the sport.

“He also brings a healthy independence to the Racing Authority, and significant governance experience.”

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appointment United Kingdom