Brazil targets youth through online lottery

Brazil targets youth through online lottery

The recently announced game was developed to attract a younger audience, Caixa Lotteries National Superintendent Gilson Braga said.

Brazil.- Brazillian state bank Caixa Economica Federal has recently announced the launch of an online lottery service, in a bid to boost revenues. According to Caixa Lotteries National Superintendent Gilson Braga, the new product was designed to target a “younger audience,” as the company expects to generate a 3 per cent increase in betting volume.

“We want to reach a younger audience, from the generations Y and Z, the so-called millennials,” Mr Braga said and explained: “It’s an audience that is totally included in the digital world and will not go to a lottery store to bet or pay their bills.”

Furthermore, the Brazillian official said that “the new service benefits bettors, lottery players and the general population” and explained: “The collection and the prizes offered will increase, motivating the bettors to carry out more games. Consequently, it also increases the transfer of the Lotteries to important sectors of society.”

Caixa is expected to charge a 12 per cent revenue fee, which is higher to conventional lottery ticket sales, from which it holds 10 per cent. “We are now considering a potential change in the business model,” Caixa Chief Executive Nelson Souza had explained at a recent press conference.

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