Brazil to discuss gaming legalisation

According to deputy Rodrigo Maia, the Brazilian parliament could discuss the legalisation of gaming next month.

Brazil.- The legalisation of gambling project could be voted on next month after a new boost from lawmakers seeking to approve the activity in the country. According to the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, the initiative would be processed by the lower house in a few days after being stuck for more than a year.

The legalisation of the game seems to have gained momentum thanks to the collective effort of a front that advocates for the approval of the sector in Brazil. However, as forceful as the words of deputy Maia may seem, it could be a new fiasco like those that the legislature has already accustomed us to, making many announcements without making determinations.

Legislators who are in favor of the game seem to be emboldened and are very optimistic about this possibility. Such is the case of Nelson Marquezelli, who projected a possible start-up of the game’s endeavors for next year in case the law is approved.

In addition to the enthusiasm shown by the deputies, the gaming industry is very optimistic about this possibility since, according to what has transpired in recent days, Brazilian President Michel Temer is willing to sign the law once the parliament approves it.

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