IJL debates gaming legalisation in Brazil

IJL debates gaming legalisation in Brazil

Brazil’s IJL requested a gaming legalisation and urged lawmakers in the Joint Parliamentary Front to push for it.

Brazil.- According to the authorities in Brazil, the deputies of the Joint Parliamentary Front met to discuss legalised gambling. During the past week, the deputies discussed with the Board of the Brazilian Institute of Legal Game (IJL) about potential regulation.

At the meeting, the IJL asked Deputy Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ) to include PL 442/9 in the plenary agenda. Thus, the project could be officially debated late in September, along with proposals submitted by the tourism sector.

The IJL argued that the best thing for the Brazilian market would be to evaluate PL 442/91, leaving aside other proposals. According to them, the proposal is better suited to the interests of the country. That, unlike the “Sheldon Adelson Law”, defended by a small group of parliamentarians.

Tourism support

The Tourism Commission of Brazil presented its priority projects for what’s left of 2019. It promoted the prompt legalisation of casinos to work together with tourism. Meanwhile, President of the Lower House in Brazil, Rodrigo Maia, received the projects and will work on them.

The projects were also signed by the Joint Parliamentary Front for the Approval of Gaming President Bacelar. There, they suggest they could debate it during the World Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27.

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brazil legislation