Brazil: gambling could have a new public hearing

Brazil: gambling could have a new public hearing

Joga Brazil reported that Federal Deputy Leonardo Monteiro requested a new public hearing for gambling.

Brazil.- Federal Deputy Leonardo Monteiro asked the Participatory Legislation Commission to hold a public hearing on gambling. He explained that they would debate the positive and negative points of regulating gambling in Brazil.

Congress has already discussed the regulation of gambling in Brazil but it needs to look for consistent and reliable information to analyse the benefits and disadvantages of regulating the segment. The goal is to take into account the possible socio-economic impacts and get to know the best international practices.

People in favour of the legalisation argue that gambling can contribute to economic growth in the country. They believe that it will generate hobs and increase income in the country, as well as boost tourism.

The public hearing will feature several guests: Ministry of Economy, Marcelo Crivella (Mayor of the City of Rio de Janeiro), Representative of CNBB, Representative of the Brazilian Bar Association – Vicente Cândico (Director Corinthians Institutional and International Relations) – and the Deputy Federal Bacelar (Joint Coordinator of the Parliamentary Front for the approval of the Regulatory Framework of the Games).

Brazil and Portugal analyse casinos

The Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur) President Gilson Machado Neto met his Portuguese colleague to analyse the development of the industry earlier this month.

Gilson Machado Neto shared his experience with the President of Tourism of Portugal, Luis Araújo in Lisbon. They discussed the tourism management model of Brazil and Portugal, and highlighted the importance of attracting foreign tourists.

“Portugal is a case of success in tourism since it receives more than double its tourist population. This conversation is important to improve our relationship and understand what was done,” Gilson explained. He added: “We saw the robust structure of Portuguese tourism, which with investments achieves these results. We will promote ecotourism to the Portuguese and strengthen the relationship between our countries.”

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