Brazil: congressmen write open letter to defend casinos

Brazil: congressmen write open letter to defend casinos

Congressmen from Brazil have presented an open letter to defend the legalisation of casinos in the country.

Brazil.- The 31st Gramado Festival (Festuris) was held in Brazil on November 7-10, where several congressmen presented an open letter for tourism. The group of congressmen, headed by Newton Cardoso Jr., are defending the legalisation of casinos in Brazil.

In addition to Cardoso Jr. (president of the Chamber’s Tourism Commission), the open letter was signed by Herculaneum Passos, president of Frentur; Dalcisio Oliveira, Sebastião Melo, Luiz Henrique Viana and Luiz Marenco. Thus, congressmen seek to stimulate the debate on casinos.

The open letter

The document reflects on tourism in Rio Grande do Sul and presents ten key points that the deputies believe are important for National Tourism and RS to become a reality. “Considering that 85% of the gaucho municipalities have tourism potential and vocation. What corresponds to 371 municipalities, which we affirm will not be extinguished. I reiterate my commitment to the National Congress in this regard,” said Newton Cardoso.

Casinos in Brazil

The tourism industry in Brazil has shown great support for the legalisation of casinos. They believe that gambling will attract new visitors and reactivate both the sector and the economy in general. In this context, the president of the Brazilian Institute of Tourism (Embratur), Gilson Machado Neto again defended the casinos.

During an interview with Agência Lusa, he said they propose to imitate the casino model of Macao and Singapore. In addition, he revealed that they will propose to Congress the authorisation to open casinos in integrated resorts as Asia does.

Brazil and Portugal analyse casinos

The Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur) President Gilson Machado Neto met his Portuguese colleague to analyse the development of the industry last month.

Gilson Machado Neto shared his experience with the President of Tourism of Portugal, Luis Araújo in Lisbon. They discussed the tourism management model of Brazil and Portugal and highlighted the importance of attracting foreign tourists.

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