Brazil may feature 35 casinos

Brazil may feature 35 casinos

During ICE London 2020, the international industry encouraged the legalisation of casinos in Brazil.

Brazil.- News that emerged from ICE London 2020 are increasing the expectations in Latin America: according to BNL Data, information from London assures that Brazil will have 35 casinos inside resort hotels across the country.

The South American country was one of the participants of the show due to the interest generated by the legalisation of the market. Experts believe that gambling could be regulated in the coming months, as Congress will begin discussions on the matter.

“Brazil is a foreigner in this sector, which is organised and big. We have to sit with the leaders of Congress and say that those who are against legalisation are in favour of illegal gambling. This has to become a mantra so that we can invest and direct efforts towards approval,” said Deputy Newton Cardoso Jr., in favour of gambling and chair of the Tourism Commission.

Brazil at ICE London 2020

ICE London 2020 took place last week along with the ICE VOX conference, where the debate on the Brazilian industry was highlighted. From the United Kingdom, representatives and industry authorities evaluated the possibility of developing the market in Brazil.

Those interested in finding out about the Brazilian market occupied three tables. The two main issues addressed at the Round Table on Brazil were the regulation of sports betting and the legalisation of gambling.

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