Belarus legalises online gambling

Belarus legalises online gambling

The president of the country signed a decree that legalises the gambling activities online.

Belarus.- Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, has signed a decree this week that legalises online gambling. The new decree sets a new scheme of licensing and taxation of online activities in the country.

The Decree №305 also defines the requirements and conditions to conduct online gambling in Belarus. Those companies interested in offering online gambling services will be required to obtain a licence and to hold a security deposit to a special account dedicated for the payment of winnings and the payments in the event of financial insolvency.

Under the new regulatory scheme, casino owners will also have to provide tax authorities with remote access to virtual gambling establishments and connect it to a special system that provides control over the turnover of their businesses.

Moreover, Lukashenko also increased the age limit to visit gambling establishments from 18 to 21 years. According to the highest authority of the country, the measure is set to minimise the harmful effects of gambling on young people.

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