Australian operator postpones launch

Australian operator postpones launch

Donaco Internationals plans to launch online gambling operations in Cambodia but its intentions keep getting postponed.

Cambodia.- Australian-listed Donaco International won’t be rolling out in Cambodia yet, despite getting its licence a year ago. The company’s chief executive officer, Joey Lim Keoing Yew explained last week that the launch may be delayed until next year, even if he stated in the past that it could be done in September or October.

Lim explained that it could take “maybe six to seven months to develop the platform and integrate it with our customer relationship manager,” CalvinAyre quoted. He also advanced that Donaco’s website will include both sports betting and live dealer casino games.

According to Lim, Donaco is “working with a solutions provider who has the platform games, to acquire these games” but wouldn’t reveal with which company they are working to develop their online gambling operation.

The company’s plans to roll out in Cambodia go along with the country’s process of gambling legislation update, which is near to come to an end as the cabinet might be receiving the final draft this month. New law will include new rules for licensed online gambling operators in the country, who, until now, couldn’t allow Cambodians to gamble online.

In this article:
Cambodia online gambling