Australian media calls for ad exemptions

Australian media calls for ad exemptions

Media groups in Australia are calling for some gambling ad ban exemptions that would include a number of “low audience” TV channels.

Australia.- The Australian government implemented a ban on gambling advertising and delivered a major blow to the media and the gaming industry. However, media groups are urging the authorities to grant some exemptions that would involve some low audience TV channels.

Free TV Australia (FTA), Commercial Radio Australia (CRA) and the Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA) are calling for different measures to reduce the impact of the ban. ASTRA calls for “low audience” suscription TV channels to be allowed to air ads during live sports broadcasts since they are watched by “a small number of highly devoted fans”.

FTA played the equal rights card and said there should be a “balance” between protecting children and free live sports broadcasts. Meanwhile, CRA argues that there should be changes. However, they say they will stay aligned with the government’s policy.

The anti-gambling lobby has warned that if the government gives in, the ban will be slowly weakened. Responsible Wagering Australia (RWA) says there will be at least one gambling ad every two hours if that happens but is worried exemptions will exclude Lottoland.

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