Augusta supports casino gambling

Augusta supports casino gambling

The city is in favor of bringing casino gambling to Georgia.

US.- WALB News FOX 54 reported that Augusta commissioners unanimously voted to distribute funds to educate the population on how Georgia would benefit from casino legalisation. The state has been trying to legalise the industry for quite some time.

Rep Ron Stephens said that he had the intention of asking Georgia voters in November’s election ballot, but the bill never made it to the House floor, therefore, the previous attempt failed. Initially, they proposed the legalisation and permit to develop two casinos in the metro area of Atlanta, and other two in different areas. House Representatives are planning to discuss the bill this year, and if it gets approved, it would be sent to the Senate for further talks.

Stephens’ previous proposal was approved by the Regulated Industries Committee a year ago, and he’s planning on presenting a similar one this year. The bill called HR 807 proposed a US$1.25 billion investment for a casino in Atlanta, US$750 million for the second one, and US$400 million for the remaining two.

Marion Williams, Augusta Commissioner for District 9, said: “I’m all for whatever we can get. I hope Augusta benefits from it. Look at all of this rain we had the other day. All of this water and people are complaining. If we can get some finance and economic development in Augusta.”