Arizona promotes legislation of keno sector

Arizona promotes legislation of keno sector

Potential legalisation of gaming in Arizona’s bars was replaced by the debate of only keno sector.

US.- Arizona legislators have eliminated the bingo sector off the gaming Senate Bill 1312 that intends to legalise gambling in local bars and clubs. However, State’s representatives have passed the bill, which now contemplates only a potential regulation on keno sector.

Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli has introduced the bill and proposed the latest change after the native tribes, who control the majority of casino industry, argued that it would violate their agreement with the government. The official considers that keno is very similar to lotteries, which are legal in Arizona, therefore it would not affect native tribes’ gaming activities.

Under Borrelli’s legislation, Arizona would create a State Electronic Keno Commission. The entity would be in charge of legal keno operations and would divide the revenues among state general fund, full-day kindergarten and public safety. The regulation was already approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee (4-3) last Thursday.