Anti casino group gathers in Taiwan

Anti casino group gathers in Taiwan

A group against legalised gambling gathered in Taiwan to urge people to reconsider their stance.

Taiwan.- As a referendum on the legalisation of gambling in Taiwan is scheduled for next Saturday 28, anti-gambling activists and religious representatives gathered yesterday to urge Kinmen residents to vote against legalised gambling.

Taiwan Coalition Against Legalized Gambling executive director Ho Tsung-hsu, said: “People in Penghu have voted in two separate referendums to reject legalised gambling. If people in Kinmen [County] also choose to veto the legalisation of gambling, it would de facto abolish Article 10-2 of the Offshore Islands Development Act, which forms the legal basis for opening a casino on outlying islands.”

Moreover, Shih Chao-hwei is concerned over the impact that gambling could have on local communities. “Macau and Singapore have showed that locals, rather than tourists, quickly become victims of gambling.”

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