Aberdeen casino closes its doors

Aberdeen casino closes its doors

The Aberdeen casino closed its doors after 12 years of operations due to a decline in sales.

Scotland.- Granite Rock Casino Ltd, the owner of Soul Casino, has announced that the Aberdeen facility that has been operating for 12 years has closed its doors. Though the business was closed on Sunday, it is yet unknown how many jobs are affected.

The owner of Soul Casino released a statement in which it says that the decision wasn’t easy and that it confirms that the call was made to close the doors of the Aberdeen facility. “We are proud to have operated Scotland’s only independent, family-owned casino for over 12 years, and this decision was not made lightly. The closure comes following a shift in late night entertainment culture in the city, which has seen a significant drop in footfall to the casino,” reads the statement.

“Notably, the changes in drink-drive legislation has led to increased caution in customers when drinking in a late night venue, as they may be over the limit the following morning, which has seen a steep decline in wet sales in the venue.”

Moreover, Granite Rock said that the overall economic climate in Aberdeen, coupled with high business rates, has unfortunately made trading no longer sustainable for the company in that location. The adjacent Soul Bar will continue trading.

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